Joe (E-RYT500, YACEP and C-IAYT) has been teaching yoga for two decades. He has spent thousands of hours on his mat as both the student and the yoga teacher, which is demonstrated in his acute attention to detail in creating a powerful theme-based class. Joe's classes strive to connect our human journey to the yogic principles of alignment. Joe spends hours each week creating a life-inspiring theme which is present in every part of the class sequence and aspect of each pose and its action. His classes are unique to Joe's style of weaving together clear and careful instruction with a fun and flowing synthesis of building balanced strength, core stability, flexibility and breath work. His students have a deep appreciation for his therapeutic insights and eye for correcting postural habits and helping them become pain-free. Joe takes pride in creating a funky musical playlist which compliment his class themes. His playful disposition, sense of humor and vast array of experience create a warm and safe classroom environment. Students leave his classes feeling uplifted and inspired -- all levels welcome!
Joe is a Certified Yoga Therapist and a big believer in the Power of yoga to heal when applied properly. Using yoga to work with specific conditions such as sleep disorders, anxiety, autoimmune disorders, common aches and pains to name a few. Click here to learn more.
Joe was born a mover and has always found refuge in the pursuit of excellence in a variety of sports and outdoor activities. He has been studying human movement patterns as either an athlete, coach or the teacher in a variety of sports, such as skiing, tennis, kayaking and yoga. In 1990, after a decade-long career in whitewater kayaking, Joe discovered yoga and has never looked back. Joe dove into his practice and studies with complete dedication. The practice of yoga has given Joe the insights into how the body desires balance in order to be pain-free and how to apply subtle alignment actions at the right time to achieve this. Joe is an avid student of yoga and has studied with many of the great teachers who have founded the yoga movement in the States. He has spent literally thousands of hours completing yoga trainings on such topics as human anatomy and function, meditation, pranayama (breath work), and the study of sacred texts from India, both ancient mythologies and philosophies. He has co-taught workshops with such renowned scholars as William Mahony and Douglas Brooks.
From 2007 to 2013, Joe was among the pioneers to be a certified Anusara® Yoga instructor where he learned a great deal about the Universal Principles of Alignment from such accomplished teachers as Doug Keller, Sianna Sherman, Desiree Rumbaugh, Betsy Downing, and many more. Joe continues to expand his studies and enjoys participating in a variety of movement practices such as Pilates, weight training, mountain biking, kayaking, rock climbing and running. He applies his understanding of how the breath, meditation, and balanced musculature work together.
Joe teaches weekly drop-in classes, privates, an ongoing yoga series class, workshops, and advanced training at Asheville Yoga Center and West Asheville Yoga. Additionally, he offers therapeutic immersions, regional workshops, and mentoring to aspiring yoga teachers. Joe frequently travels to teach regional workshops and trainings at special events and private studios. Book him now! He is happy to create a workshop for you. Joe guarantees transformational fun!
Additionally, as a team instructor at Asheville Yoga Center’s teacher training programs, Joe encourages aspiring yoga teachers in the launching of their own careers. He offers advanced study modules in the 500 RYT certification program, such as The Art of Teaching Yoga which supports creating a theme-based yoga class and how to organize your classes to reflect your true self. He also offers each year a 500 RYT called Yoga Therapeutics which covers such material as misalignment patterns and how to heal injuries through proper yoga actions. Joe has immersed himself in the works of Eckhart Tolle and has drawn strong parallels to the perennial truths found in the ancient yogic texts. He teaches once a year an advanced training on this subject called The Power of Now. To learn more about these advanced certification programs, click here and search for Joe Taft or if you have any questions, feel free to contact Joe directly.
Joe believes in the body’s healing powers and the need for society to heal on a global scale. Recently Joe has begun collaborating with the School of Wholeness and Enlightenment (SoWE). Feel free to visit their website to learn more about their exciting work as an educational bridge between the world as we know it and the awakening to a new paradigm on the collective level. Their website will be offering classes on many subjects, and among those offered, you can explore Joe’s yoga classes.